Why I Gave up on Substack After a Week

Why I Gave up on Substack After a Week

First off, I want to apologize for moving again. This blog is very important to me, and I want to make sure it has the best home and best chances to succeed. I moved to Substack after the recommendation by several friends and seeing many bigger names doing really well are there. It turns out that was a mistake.

While Substack has a built in networking and audience feature making it easier to find people, I'm not sure those people are the audience I'm looking for. Maybe its the algorithm or I ended up on an odd side of the platform, but every single person I came across was an up and coming writer or author. Which in itself isn't bad, but no one really interacts. Everyone is pushing their own newsletter, which I get it, thats why we are there.

There's a lot of posts for Subscribe for a Subscribe, and about 90% of the notes I saw in the home feed were all about how to succeed on Substack, It just felt off to me. One thing I've learned on this journey was to listen to my gut. I keep landing back here self hosting on Ghost, so I think this is where I'll remain going forward.

I've blogged before comparing the 2 sites, and I should have taken my own advice. But sometimes I have to just try things to see how it goes for myself. So I did, maybe I should have given it more time. But I just felt like I already had things set up here previously so this was a good time to move back.

One day I'll make up my own mind, and hopefully today is the day. That's likely a bipolar trait is the constant need to change things, that or worrying its about to tank so I make a change ahead of time. That said, I don't plan on moving again unless something just super spectacular comes along.

I want to thank all my new and recent subscribers. I brought you here with me where I still plan on doing about a blog a day or at least several a week. The newsletter will remain free for now. I'm focusing on building and creating a community here without the outside noise. I hope you all stay with me and bear with me.

I'll write something meatier later in the day, I just wanted to explaint he new look and give you an idea of where my head is at. Like I'd said, this blog is my passion project and I want to make it into something special fo everyone who subscribes. You guys are my first 12 subscribers, so you're my favorite people so far. Anyway, that sums up everything I have for now. I'll put out something deeper later this afternoon or evening. Thank you all again and stay safe out there. Until next time.