Unveiling New AI Art: My Latest Creations & Blog News

Unveiling New AI Art: My Latest Creations & Blog News

While I was away at Substack I didn't post as much art as that platform is way more writer based and people just didn't respond much to images. Here I can do a mix of both. I wanted to share some of my recent art I created in Midjourney. Fun thing playing with AI is I'm not locked into one style or theme.

I've made a lot more but this is just a few. Lots of different styles and things. Oh there is one fun one I made just for the Oscars last night

I'm sure that has some message about AI and tech taking over entertainment, but I just felt it was a fun image. Hopefully others will like it too. I make it a point as of now I don't sell my art or anything like that. Being AI I know you can't copyright it and I'm not sure I believe in copyright that much anymore. But its a lot of work to sell art of any kind and I'd rather promote my blog and focus on this and trying to help people than try to sell. My goal is to get some paid subscribers at some point, but we'll see. For now I don't have any paywalls up, so everyone can read all my posts.

I'm slowly waking up today, I don't want overwhelm everyone, but I felt this is a good place to save my art as like a portfolio in addition to social media as I own everything here and no one can just take it down on a whim.

Here's one more image I wanted to share, this feels really powerful for me and I'm not fully sure why, it just gives me goosebumps when I look at it. Oddly while many say AI isn't "art" I feel we are casting spells when we enter prompts to conjure something unique and magical. I love all art, but with AI I truly feel I can express myself like no other means allows me too. A few friends have distanced themselves or outright blocked me over my use of AI which makes me sad.

But something I learn in Buddhism so far is not to project our own qualities or expectations on to others, then we won't be upset when they don't live up to them. I feel if we are judging our friends on things they do that have nothing to do with us, then those aren't true friendships. Its a kind of manipulation. Anyway, I'm slowly learning this process and I think I'm getting the idea a bit more. I've only read about thirty pages in Buddhism for Beginners but its been very intense and informative with what I have read so far.

If you are curious about Buddhism or just some way to help with anxiety and worry, I highly recommend it. Its very easy to read and a smooth, friendly tone. I'll throw in one more image to catalog it here.

That's my meditating, Buddhist cyborg. I wanted to show tech and mindfulness can work in tandem together. That's all for now, since I did a second blog today, I may or may not write a more meaty one later, or I may just wait until tomorrow so as not to overwhelm everyone. Thank you all again for reading and until next time.