Taylor Swift and my Mental Health
I know this isn't art related, but Taylor and art have both had huge impacts on my mental health. I was always more of a metal head in my younger years, but when going through my divorce around 2010ish and other life stressors, I started finding comfort in Taylor's voice and music. Metallica and other bands, while they will always hold a special place for me, but as I get older and life gets harder, tend to just cause me more anxiety. Taylor's words and music find a way to heal my spirit and sooth my troubled mind many times. Its hard to explain, but I know other Swifties who feel the same way. I'm now 51 years old, and while I never made it to The Eras Tour, I still got to go see the concert movie in the theater. That alone was an amazing and fun experience I'll never forget and I'll always be happy wife and I got to share that together. I haven't mentioned my actual mental health yet. I have anxiety and bipolar disorder. I've been pretty stable for a long time, but still have hiccups and manic moments. Its those times, Taylor Swift's music makes the difference and gets me through. Yes, I am on medication and in therapy. Taylor has just been added to my regimen years ago and a welcome aspect. If you have a Taylor experience to share, feel free to do so in the comments below. I hope someone out there finds this blog helpful. For a long time, being an older guy, I was afraid to even mention I liked Taylor, but now I'm a loud and proud Swiftie.