Sometimes dealing with being an adult with mental illness and autism you go day to day and just try to get by. Sometimes you feel so productive you are knocking shit out of the park left and right. Then other days, you realize things about yourself you had no idea
It's been a hectic few days, but I got a lot of art done. I also created a store in Shopify for art prints if anyone would like prints to my art. I'm going with thin canvas prints vs. posters because they only cost a little
I haven't done a Taylor blog in a bit, so I figured I'd touch on some weird phenomena I've noticed in the fandom as of late. Taylor Swift, as I mentioned in a previous blog is very important to me. She has had that
Yesterday was a pretty rough day for me. My brain fog was bad and I was so tired most of the day I could barely see straight. Today has been much better. I was pretty tired this morning, but after a nap my head cleared up and we headed to