It's been a hectic few days, but I got a lot of art done. I also created a store in Shopify for art prints if anyone would like prints to my art. I'm going with thin canvas prints vs. posters because they only cost a little
I haven't done a Taylor blog in a bit, so I figured I'd touch on some weird phenomena I've noticed in the fandom as of late. Taylor Swift, as I mentioned in a previous blog is very important to me. She has had that
Yesterday was a pretty rough day for me. My brain fog was bad and I was so tired most of the day I could barely see straight. Today has been much better. I was pretty tired this morning, but after a nap my head cleared up and we headed to
I had a whole thing in mind for what I wanted to blog about today, until I sat down to actually write it, then it all just kind of slipped out of my head. But I still have thoughts as random as they may be. Today is Ash Wednesday and