Creative Flow: AI Art, Daily Moments, and Digital Expression

I had a fairly busy day today and didn't get as much done as I'd hoped. I went with my wife to her court appearances for her job today so I can basically be her driver and find parking so she can focus on her cases. That went fine, but it took most of the morning.
By the time we got back I was pretty tired and lollygagged a lot of the day online. I did get some AI art done, and got some pretty good ones done I think. Not as much as I'd hoped and I wanted to blog something better, but I had my own legal work to finish, which I never did finish but I made progress at least. Here is some of the art I did today.

These are some of the better ones. I didn't create today at the same rate I usually do, but like I said I was tired and my brain was moving a bit slower. I did play with another site other than Midjourney called Getimg which was pretty good, but I know Midjourney has a new version coming out soon, so we'll see how that one looks. I'm kind of a creature of habit.
I've thought about getting into AI video generation and I'm fascinated by the ones I've seen, but I know that would be a whole new thing to learn, and with my blog being mostly text and image based, this is basically a publication, I'm not sure how much video would fit in other than short strange ones. For now, I'm going to focus on getting better at images and see where we go from there.
I've been fascinated lately with half human half machine type sci-fi and technology. I read it years ago but I want to read Neuromancer by William Gibson again and see how it reads now. I first read it in the 90s when most of this tech didn't even exist. So now I'm into tech and AI I'd like to see how prophetic it is.

I'm not sure what the future holds when it comes to tech and AI. It will likely be something mostly stupid because that seems to be the timeline we are one, but I think there is a lot of great potential there for it to unlock a lot of things in human capability that we never imagined. As long as it stays and works in the right hands. It can also do a lot of damage. So I'm hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.

That sums up my day and what I got done and what I didn't get done. Thank you for everyone who checks in here and sees what I'm up to. You're all appreciated. Feel free to leave a comment and subscribe if you like the art or my words or some combination of both. I'm still figuring out the direction I want to go with this blog or how to monetize it. I work hard on this and would like it to be my only job one day as I treat it like a job currently. Just one that doesn't pay yet. But we're building a foundation and a community, brick by brick. Thank you all again and until next time.