Blogging on my phone

Blogging on my phone

I never tried this before so thought I'd give it a whirl. I'm lying in bed unable to fall asleep.

I was tired all evening until I actually lie down then I'm wide awake. I'll talk asleep sooner or later. It is what it is.

I type much faster on my laptop so this is a new experience. I'm also experimenting with a blazed post. I have done meta ads for traffic but I don't like giving them money if I can help it. Plus a WordPress ad is likely to be more targeted. We'll see.

Today was a pretty good day. I was off work and we got all our laundry done. Just carrying it to and from the car is tiring as there was a lot of it. Anyway we're all good now.

I think that's all I got for now. I hope everyone has a good night. Here is some art for tonight.